Read this wonderful story from the Glory Stories newsletter for June, written by Amy Ford, President and Co-Founder of Embrace Grace.

We are still so excited about everything God did at the Harvest America event at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas! Over 10,000 people flooded the field after the event to surrender their lives to Jesus. It was BEAUTIFUL!
And we are so thankful for their partnership this year. They gave us an amazing level of sponsorship at no charge - because they love the mission of Embrace Grace and see the need of churches being the hands and feet of Jesus for young women with unplanned pregnancies.
We set up a big Love Box assembly station in the courtyard of the stadium and hundreds of people came through to assemble a box to get to a young woman in need. The very first person that came through was a man that had just come through the gates as soon as they opened. He was the first person in line and was eager to assemble a Love Box.
The second person in line was a young, pregnant woman. I sparked up a conversation with her, wondering if she was single with an unplanned pregnancy. As the conversation progressed, it was confirmed she is indeed single and pregnant with an unintended pregnancy. She is 19 and the father of the baby is not involved. Tears rolled down her face as we explained what we do and how we can help. My favorite part of the day is when the young man that was in front of her in line, turned around and gave his Love Box that he had just made to her. The very first Love Box in the assembly line for the day was given to someone that needed hope right in that very moment. AMAZING!
We got all of her info and she has already signed up to attend an Embrace Grace group at a church near her where she will hear the gospel and be discipled - and make new friends!
God is moving and we are so thankful and excited to partner with Heaven in the most creative ways to reach the lost and hurting and point them back to Jesus.
We could not do this without YOU - our partners, volunteers, our givers, our staff and everyone that prays for us. Together, we can make sure no single mom walks alone!
This month we launched 14 new groups!
Impacting with Grace,
Amy Ford