Host Follow-Up Guidelines

Written by Harvest America Team | Nov 8, 2016 9:23:51 PM

The purpose of the follow-up worker is to encourage those who come forward to accept Christ. We suggest they do this by explaining the four steps to spiritual growth: read the Bible on a regular basis, pray, fellowship at a local Bible-teaching church, and share with someone about the decision they made to follow Jesus Christ.

After going through the four steps, the follow-up worker will need to gather some information about the new believer so that your church or group can do an effective job of following up after the event.

Some basic information needs to be collected from each person who makes a profession of faith at the event: name, address, e-mail, and contact number. Use this response card to make it easy.

The follow-up worker will conclude the conversation (which should be no longer than 10 minutes) with a short prayer and by letting the new believer know that the church is going to contact them for further follow-up. The follow-up worker will then turn in the contact card to a follow-up coordinator at the end of the night for post-event follow-up/discipleship.

Ideally, every person who makes a profession of faith should leave the event with a free Bible. If your church doesn't already use a certain Bible for new believers, the New Believer's Bible with notes by Pastor Greg Laurie is a good choice.

More New Believer resources can be found here.