
Make Up Meetings Available—Don’t Miss Out!

Written by Miriam Hamblin | 3/27/18 11:29 PM

More than 400 local churches in Texas are uniting to share Jesus through Harvest America. One last time, we want to extend the invitation to join us!

Are you a pastor or leader of a DFW-area church? The next thing for you to do is attend or send a church representative to a brief training meeting. The April 9-14 meeting times we are offering are your last chance to attend a training meeting!

Partnering with Harvest America is a great opportunity for your church and the kingdom of God to grow. As a partnering church, your congregation will pray for the lost in your community, invite them to the event, and bring them to the stadium.

In order to welcome the new believers from this event into your church, a pastor or representative from your church must attend one 60-minute Church Involvement Meeting to be trained as a coordinator. The representative can be staff or a layperson. If your representative is going to delegate this role, they may even want to bring along a second person to the meeting.

At the meeting, our team will hand out free promotional resources and instructions, including a follow-up packet with detailed instructions and timelines.

Since we are serving a meal, please RSVP for the specific meeting you plan to attend.


If you have any questions or want to join but are unable to attend a meeting , please contact us or call us at 1(800) 278-7233.