
We are very excited for you and your commitment to host Harvest America 2018 in your home. First things first, we need some basic information about the place of meeting. 

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"Greg Laurie is not only a personal friend, but is one of the great communicators of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our generation. They have written him up to be the evangelist of the future and he is. I highly recommend him."
Billy Graham

Billy Graham, Evangelist and Author

"Greg Laurie is a dynamic pastor, gifted evangelist, and trusted friend. Prestonwood is thrilled to be an anchor church in Harvest America. I hope you will be a part of this amazing opportunity too."
Dr. Jack Graham

Dr. Jack Graham, Senior Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church

"When it comes to reaching the lost, I’m grateful that every generation has a Billy Graham, and Greg Laurie is a Billy Graham to our generation. Gateway Church wholeheartedly supports Harvest America, and I would encourage every pastor and church to partner with them to reach their cities for Christ."
Robert Morris

Robert Morris, Founding Senior Pastor, Gateway Church

"God has mightily used Greg in so many different ways and at many different venues. Because of him, many people are in the kingdom through Harvest America, the crusades, a dynamic church, a great testimony, a great man. I pray that you will join me and partner in this years Harvest America outreach."
Dr. Tony Evans

Dr. Tony Evans, Senior Pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship

"I couldn't be more excited about the upcoming Harvest event and love the Harvest model. You can bring your neighbor or family member, listen to the gospel of Jesus Christ be preached and proclaimed faithfully, and then you can follow up with them. I couldn't encourage you more to come sit in and listen to the gospel message being proclaimed here in Dallas, Texas."
Matt Chandler

Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor, The Village Church

"Greg Laurie has been my friend for many years, and in that time I've seen God work through Greg's evangelistic preaching to reach thousands upon thousands of lives for Jesus Christ. Hosting Harvest America in your church is a unique and powerful way for the gospel to reach people in your community too."
James MacDonald

James MacDonald, Senior Pastor, Harvest Bible Chapel

"There is no questions that Greg Laurie is making a huge impact for Christ and that lives are being changed by the thousands through Harvest America. If you are a follower of Jesus, this is the perfect opportunity to invite someone who doesn't know Christ to hear about the life transforming power of the Gospel."
Craig Groeschel

Craig Groeschel, Senior Pastor, Life Church

"Greg Laurie’s focus on the Gospel is why so many Southern Baptist churches and pastors have been involved with Harvest over the past 25 years . . . I strongly encourage you to get involved as well."
Kevin Ezell

Kevin Ezell, SBC North American Mission Board President

"Greg Laurie has been serving the Lord evangelistically since the early 1970s, when God changed his life during the Jesus Movement in Southern California. God has gifted Greg to give a clear, passionate, biblical presentation of the gospel. God uses him to call people to faith in Christ. I hope that you will invite your lost friends to this event, so that they can be saved."
Steve Gaines

Steve Gaines, Senior Pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Current President of the Southern Baptist Convention

"Harvest Crusades really helped renew in our church a passion to reach our city. We are still benefiting from the vision for evangelism and empowerment in disciple-making they helped lead us into! I don't know any other way of saying it besides, 'This strategy still works!'"
JD Greear

JD Greear, Senior Pastor, The Summit Church

See All Endorsements